Welcome to the COINSTAC Vaults!
Vault contains sample COINSTAC data located on the server, made available to COINSTAC users at all times. Vaults help overcome the challenge of having everyone online at the same time to collaborate in COINSTAC. You can use these datasets and run various computations in COINSTAC to see the results. Once the Vault data is added, you can run a regression on the Vault data using all or covariates of your choice made available in the vault, and importantly you can also connect the Vault with other COINSTAC nodes to increase the sample size without centrally pooling the data. This we hope provides an initial example of the potential of using COINSTAC for big data collaborative research involving sensitive data that can’t be shared across sites.
Vaults available in COINSTAC
This vault contains data from 152 subjects, approximately half controls and half individuals with chronic schizophrenia, collected as part of the Mind Research Network COBRE study . The vault includes gray matter segmentation data from an SPM VBM preprocessing pipeline. In addition, we have demographic, symptom, and cognitive variables to select from in building a desired model.
This vault contains data from 152 subjects, approximately half controls and half individuals with chronic schizophrenia, collected as part of the Mind Research Network COBRE study ( The vault includes cortical and sub-cortical volumetric and surface based measurements from two FreeSurfer atlases, Desikan-Killiany and Destrieux. In addition, we include demographic, symptom, and cognitive variables which can be used to build a desired model.
The following variables exist for the TReNDS vaults:
Child Mind Institute (CMI) FreeSurfer Healthy Brain Network
This vault contains data from 885 children and adolescents (ages 5 – 21), collected as part of the Healthy Brain Network study (REF). The vault includes brain volumes from Desikan Killiany FreeSurfer atlas. In addition, we have demographic, cognitive, and substance use variables to select from when building a desired model.
Child Mind Institute (CMI) VBM VAULT
This Vault contains data from 922 children and adolescents (ages 6 – 22, 603 Male and 319 female), collected as part of the Healthy Brain Network study. The Vault includes gray matter segmented data from a VBM preprocessing pipeline. In addition, we have a total of 11 variables across demographic, cognitive and substance use to select from when building a desired regression model.
The following variables (datatype: numeric)exist for the Child Mind Institute vaults:
Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire (EHQ_Total)
The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory is a measurement scale used to assess the dominance of a person’s right or left hand in everyday activities. The inventory can be used by an observer assessing the person, or by a person self-reporting hand use.
Reference: Oldfield, R.C. (1971). The assessment and analysis of handedness: The Edinburgh inventory. Neuropsychologia, 9(1), 97-113.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT_Total_Score)
The AUDIT is a simple, 10-item form developed by the World Health Organization to screen for problem or hazardous alcohol use in a clinical setting.
Saunders, J.B., Aasland, O.G., Babor, T.F., de la Fuente, J.R. and Grant, M. (1993). Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO collaborative project on early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption. II. Addiction, 88, 791-804.
Internet Addiction Test (IAT_Total)
The Internet Addiction Test (IAT) is a 20-item scale that measures characteristics and behaviors associated with compulsive use of the Internet that include compulsivity, escapism, and dependency. Questions also assess problems related to addictive use in personal, occupational, and social functioning.
Young, K. S. (1998) Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 1(3), 237-244.
List Sorting Working Memory Age 7+ National Percentile (age-adjusted) (NIH7_List_P)
Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Age 3+ National Percentile (age-adjusted) (NIH7_Flanker_P)
NIH Toolbox is a multidimensional set of brief measures assessing cognitive, emotional, motor and sensory function from ages 3 to 85, meeting the need for a standard set of measures that can be used as a “common currency” across diverse study designs and settings.
Gershon, R. C., Wagster, M. V., Hendrie, H. C., Fox, N. A., Cook, K. F., & Nowinski, C. J. (2013). NIH Toolbox for Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral Function. Neurology, 80, S2-S6.
Group ICA is one of the frequently used preprocessing computations for neuroimaging data. Data preprocessed with group ICA can be used to perform different types of analyses. This GICA Vault comprises data from 189 subjects from the COBRE project analyzed with Neuromark template which uses 66 predefined ROIs. This Vault data includes independent component analysis(ICA) maps, Functional network connectivity maps (FNC) data etc. that have been generated using spatially constrained ICA with the neuromark fMRI 1.0 template (available in the GIFT software) including 53 intrinsic network components. This Vault data can be readily used for secondary analysis like MANCOVA. Presently, we use the GICA pre-processed data from the Vault to perform univariate regression analysis.
We are planning many more Vaults going forward! We will initially release vaults highlighting various existing pipelines. Check out this demo of how to run regression on Freesurfer volumes on the CMI Vault.
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